Em by Đá Số Tới

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Fun garage band pop punk from Vietnam.

Artists: Đá Số Tới

Album: Em

Tags: Vietnamese | Pop Punk | Garage Band | Vietnamese Pop Punk

YouTube | Spotify | Last.fm |

Added on: Wed Dec 06 2023

Back in 2021 music reviewer Claire Tran wrote this really excellent guide to Vietnam's expanding pop punk scene. I stumbled on it and ended up not just exploring those tracks but the general return of the pop punk genre that has been happening over the last few years while getting back to some of my old favs that I'd forgotten about.

That said, I've particularly liked the vietnamese take on pop punk and the bands have continually been on my listening list, with one or two occasionally popping up on repeat. I've listened to them often enough that the Spotify algorithm has learned to recommend them to me in some contexts. That said, this comes of Tran's playlist and is a recommendation for all the rest that she put on there. It's just so much fun in the way pop punk should be.