Cut to the Feeling

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80s throwbacks are easier to come by in pop and rock than ever, but they're rarely this fun

Artists: Carly Rae Jepsen

Album: Emotion Side B+

Tags: pop | power pop | synthpop

YouTube | Spotify | |

Added on: Sun Feb 11 2024

Maybe it's just coming back from a fun near week of vacation, or maybe it is the feeling of wanting to be done with this long trip back on a train that keeps falling behind schedule but I'm really feeling this song right now. I've been liking a lot of the 80s throwback feel as it has been popping up in pop lately, and especially here and from Miley Cyrus in Plastic Hearts.

Jepsen has always been bright in her music but this track in particular is just so much fun and I like the lyrics. We all have felt this way, impatient to get through the slow, the boring, the hard, just wanting to cut to that feeling.